Whether you are revising your master plan, presenting to your Municipal Council or interested in sharing a success story, this document provides great ideas and options for how the Framework...Read More
All pages tagged with "Framework for Recreation in Canada"
tagged with "Framework for Recreation in Canada"
tagged with "Framework for Recreation in Canada"
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In 2015, A Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015: Pathways to Wellbeing (The Framework) was released, designed to “guide and stimulate coordinated policies and practices in recreation and related jurisdictions...Read More
The Framework Alignment Tool was created to allow local governments and organizations to assess their current situation with respect to implementing the goals and priorities of the Framework for Recreation...Read More
Looking to explain the Framework but don’t have time to read the full document? Download and print this one-page document (p. 17) which outlines the Vision, Values, Principles and Goals...Read More
A platform for people in the public recreation sector to share their stories. Whether highlighting a success story or exposing a challenge, we have so much to learn from each other’s experiences.
Interested to what degree the Framework for Recreation is being aligned nationally? Download the 2018 National Survey on Awareness & Implementation: Summary Report and all associated resources.Read More
Use the attached PowerPoint presentation developed by CPRA as a guide on the Framework for Recreation and its process to date.Read More
The Framework for Recreation in Canada Forum was held in Regina, Saskatchewan, May 8-10, 2018 bringing together over 300 delegates from across Canada to learn, share and network.
A message from the Framework Leadership Team

July 21, 2021
That's all, folks!