Setting the Context

The National Urban Parks Program, launched by Parks Canada in August 2021, seeks to explore and establish large urban parks within the national context. A central focus of this program is enhancing access to nature through the lens of equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation. Despite Canada's wealth of large, accessible green spaces, work remains to ensure equitable and meaningful access for all community members. However, the implementation of the National Urban Parks Program has made it clear that while Parks Canada plays an important role, it is only one component of the larger parks systems across municipalities and urban areas in Canada. Therefore, this Symposium will build on foundational efforts from across the sector including Parks Canada's National Urban Parks Policy, Park People's Cornerstone Parks Work, the Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership’s recent report Elevating Indigenous Governance and Leadership in Urban Parks, the Framework for Recreation in Canada, and Parks for All to create a community of practice and vision for the entire sector.