The CPRA will assemble an Adjudication Team to review and score the applications.

Each applicant may submit up a maximum of two applications (one application per work experience).


The priority areas for adjudication are:

  • Demonstration that the applicant organization has the ability and intent to offer a fully supportive mentorship environment
  • Demonstration that efforts will be taken to reach youth facing barriers
  • Demonstration that the jobs will align with the CPRA Youth Employment Experience goals to:
  • provide job placements for youth facing barriers, allowing them the opportunity to gain skills and building experience in the parks and recreation sector
  • support educational career experiences by enabling positive mentorship environments that allow experienced staff members the ability to mentor youth and offering additional skills and training opportunities beyond the job setting
  • generate much-needed support to local governments to hire additional youth to advance their parks and recreation priorities

Additionally, applicants must:

  • Confirm that they have not already received any federal funding to support the same positions
  • Demonstration that they will comply with reporting and follow-up evaluation requirements


  • All applicants will be notified by CPRA of their funding decision. Successful applicants will be notified by March 24, 2023.


Successful candidates must:

  • Confirm their use of funding within five (5) working days of the date of offer or the offer will be withdrawn
  • Confirm that they have not already received any federal funding to support the same positions
  • Confirm that every effort will be made to engage youth who face barriers to employment


Per Government of Canada requirements, successful applicants will be required to complete a final program report. This will include a report from the employer and from each youth employee supported by the Program. Details regarding this report will be communicated to the recipients when the funds are released. Failure to submit the final program report will render the organization ineligible for future funding through the CPRA.


Successful applicants must acknowledge the CPRA and the Government of Canada (Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program) financial support in any communications.