
National Safe Swimming Recovery Program

National Safe Swimming Recovery Program

In partnership with the Government of Canada, CPRA is working to address the widespread shortage of lifeguards throughout the country.

CPRA on the Hill

CPRA on the Hill

Investments in recreation and parks from the federal government can transform our country for a generation. Learn more about our work in Ottawa.

Parks for All

Parks for All

An Action Plan for Canada’s Parks Community

Healthy Eating Environments

Healthy Eating Environments

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) is collaborating with Health Canada to help support healthy food environments in the recreation sector.

Measuring Impact

Measuring Impact

Discover how strategic investments in the sport, physical activity and recreation (“SPAR”) sector can significantly uplift our communities and help Canada achieve its national goals.

Reimagine RREC

Reimagine RREC

ReImagine RREC – Renew, Retool, Engage and Contribute – is a multi-phase COVID-19 recovery initiative for recreation, parks and community sport leaders supported by the Government of Canada (Sport Canada) and delivered by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association.

CPRA Connect

CPRA Connect

CPRA Connect is a space for recreation and parks professionals to meet, work, and grow together. Sign up today!