CPRA will administer wage subsidies (up to 100%) to support more than 350 job placements for youth. The maximum wage subsidy offered through this program is $10,000 for each youth.

In addition, CPRA will support employers by providing release-time allowances of up to $4,000 per mentor to the organization. This funding will support the applicant organization in ensuring that the mentor’s regular duties are performed while their efforts are focused on supporting youth.

Employers are welcome to set their own wages, following provincial and territorial minimum wage guidelines.

Work terms can be variable, lasting a minimum of four weeks, and a maximum of six months in duration. Full-time, part-time or casual hours are eligible.

CPRA reserves the right to fund fewer jobs than the number requested based on budget constraints and the quality of applications received.

Youth employment experiences can take place in both the parks and recreation sectors.


The following expenditures are eligible for funding and included in this amount:

Financial Support for Youth

        1. Wage Subsidy (100% subsidy up to $10,000 per youth)

  • Salary support
  • Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERC)

Employers are required by law to pay the MERCs for their employees. These costs include Employment Insurance premiums, Canada or Quebec Pension Plan contributions, vacation pay, Workers’ Compensation premiums or equivalent liability insurance (if applicable), health insurance and parental insurance premiums in Quebec and Ontario, the Health and Post-Secondary Education Tax in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Health and Education Levy in Manitoba.

        2. Other Supports (as needed)

Additional financial support is available for disability support, dependent support (ex. childcare), housing and transportation accommodations (more than 150km from residence to job location), adaptive technology, etc.

Financial Support for Employers

        3. Release-time allowance (up to $4,000 per mentor)

This funding will support the applicant organization in ensuring that the mentor’s regular duties are performed while their efforts are focused on supporting youth.


Successful applicants may engage youth in their job placement as soon as a signed contract with CPRA is established.

Work terms can be variable, lasting a minimum of four weeks, and a maximum of six months in duration. Full-time, part-time or casual hours are eligible.